
D1 - Project Website (WP2)

The Project website was developed on time and laughed on January 21st, 2019 (month 2). The website is continuously updated while the website traffic is been tracked by Google Analytics.

D4 - Large-scale Distribution maps for the two species in Cyprus (WP5)

By using species occurrence data and available environmental predictor variables, we have constructed Species Distribution Models (SDMs) for the species Stellagama stellio and Dolichophis jugularis in Cyprus. Those SDMs were computed using three different suites of models; Generalized Additive Models (GAM), Generalized Linear Models (GLM) and Maximum Entropy Models (MaxEnt). The discriminatory capacity of each model’s performance has been evaluated using Area Under the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) Curve (AUC) and a weighted ensemble has been computed based on all SDMs. Analyses were performed using the package “dismo” (Robert J. Hijmans, Steven Phillips, John Leathwick and Jane Elith, 2020) implemented using Rstudio in R 4.1.0 program language.

D6 - Two virtual 3D animated models (WP4)

This is a 3D model of a racer snake (Dolichophis jugularis) scanned using the Beastcam MACRO on a live snake in Cyprus. The mass of the snake is 479 grams. CG artist Jer Bot retopologized and reconstructed the snake in the open source 3D animation software Blender ( He did this through images captured using an array of six Canon G16 cameras and other reference photos. The construction of this model is part of the post-doc research of Dr. Savvas Zotos (POST-DOC/0916/0034) ( and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation. This 3D model will be used as a means for both studying and presenting the species movement and behavioural patterns.

This is a 3D model of a Sling tailed Agama lizard (Stellagama stellio cypriaca) scanned using the Beastcam MACRO on a live lizard in Cyprus. The mass of the lizard is 78 grams. CG artist Jer Bot retopologized and reconstructed the snake in the open source 3D animation software Blender ( He did this through images captured using an array of six Canon G16 cameras and other reference photos. The construction of this model is part of the post-doc research of Dr. Savvas Zotos (POST-DOC/0916/0034)( and is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the Republic of Cyprus through the Research and Innovation Foundation. This 3D model will be used as a means for both studying and presenting the species movement and behavioural patterns.

Virtual 3D animated models of the two case study animals, the Starred Agama lizard (Stellagama stellio) and the Large whip snake (Dolichophis jugularis), can be seen and downloaded from the website of Cyprus 3D Reptiles ( The Cyprus 3D Reptiles is an initiative of ReTrack project in collaboration with Graphics and Virtual Reality Lab of the University Of Cyprus for the development of a comprehensive database for both 3D models of Cyprus Reptiles and the characteristic movements.

D7 - Detailed maps of the study area (WP5)

A detailed orthophoto of the enclosure was acquired from 25m height, prior the initiation of the experiments, using a DJI Phantom 3 drone. Using the high-resolution orthophoto and field validation, a map of the seminatural environment characteristics was developed. This map include the following features: ponds (small ponds of ~4m2 each), plastic sheets (plastic PVC sheets placed horizontally on the ground), pallets (wooden pallets placed horizontally on the ground), inclined pallets (pallets placed with inclination), rock (rocks or rockpiles where lizards could climb on), small refuges (small piles of pallets and hey) and large refuges (large piles of pallets and hey). The above features were providing appropriate niche (e.g. shade, shelter, nest, bask) for the daily activity of the species. In addition, using supervised maximum likelihood classification in ArcGIS, the soil surface was categorised in three different classes based on the type of vegetation (green or dried) or the absence of it (bare soil).

Using detailed field measurements, the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of the study area was developed and using Slope and Hillshade faction of ArcGIS the respective layers were extracted. For hillshade faction, azimuth angle was set to 118 degrees and altitude at 53 degrees. The above measurements are the mean values of the two parameters in the geographic location of our study site during the period (date and time) of our experiments.

D8 - Two behavioural pattern databases (WP4)

The database includes not only the behavioural data related to the two case study species but also several metadata under a well-structured schema that allows the continues improvements and expansion with Behavioural information from other animal species and projects. The Behavioural pattern databases has been developed using Microsoft Access and will be release following publication. Please contact us for more informations.

D11 - Integrated spatiotemporal and behavioural analysis of tagged species (WP6)

Relevant publication pending.

D12 - Using accelerometers for behavioural analysis of reptiles (WP4)

Relevant publication pending.

D13 - Fine-scale distribution maps for the species Stellagama stellio within the fenced study area using Kernel Analysis (WP5)

We conducted our study between 13 and 24 of July 2020 in a seminatural environment located in a rural area near Kolossi village, Cyprus. The seminatural environment consisted of several microhabitats including hiding places, rock piles, wood piles, hay piles, shaders, and ponds and was developed within an enclosure (20m X 25m) as to restrict animals and prevent escape. Within the seminatural environment we inserted six lizards of the species Stellagama stellio. All individuals were collected from the environment and released back after the completion of the experiments. The Home Range of individuals was calculated using Minimum Convex Polygon (MCP) that creates the smallest area convex polygon containing all animal locations. Fine-Scale utilization distribution was demonstrated using Kernel Density Estimator (KDE). We used natural breaks (Jenks) to divide the KDE into five density levels/thresholds. Different density is represented by increasingly darker shades of blue: White is absent/not used, light blue is low probability of use, medium blue is low-to-moderate probability of use, dark blue is moderate-to-high probability of use, and darkest blue is high probability of use. For all the analysis we used ArcGIS 10.2.2 (ESRI 2020), using the default values for the Kernel Density Tool.

Utilization distribution. Species Stellagama stellio. Individual ID01.

Utilization distribution. Species Stellagama stellio. Individual ID02.

Utilization distribution. Species Stellagama stellio. Individual ID03.

Utilization distribution. Species Stellagama stellio. Individual ID04.

Utilization distribution. Species Stellagama stellio. Individual ID05.

Utilization distribution. Species Stellagama stellio. Individual ID06.

D14 - Knowledge Transfer Package (WP2)

Knowledge Transfer Package (KTP) is a comprehensive integrated tool for transferring the acquired knowledge to fellow researchers worldwide. The KTP includes numerous information regarding methodology used, results (maps, models, tables, figures etc.) and recommendations along with some raw data on the behaviour of the two species studied. The KTP will be openly acceccible upon publication of the relevant scientific work.

D15 - Predictive micro-habitat utilization maps within the study area (WP6)

Relevant publication pending.

D18 - Scientific publications (WP2)

Scientific publications published under the ReTrack project can be accessed and download from "Scientific Publications"

D19 - Final event and workshop (WP6)

The project's final event was conducted on July 27th, 2021 (11:00 - 15:00). Due to covid-19 restictions, the final event was conducted online using Zoom platform.

You can access the programme of the final event HERE

You can access the recoding of the final event HERE

A training workshop on using accelerometers for monitoring animals' movement was also conducted on July 28th, 2021 (10:00 - 15:00).

You can access the programme of the training workshop HERE

D20 - SWOT analysis (WP6)

Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis is a technical report that provide insights related to the methodology and the technical innovations of ReTrack project. The report emphasises the capabilities of our approach, and the derived micro-habitat utilization maps, to increase management and conservation efficiency, in comparison with current state-of-the-art techniques such as the fine-scale Species Distribution Maps (SDMs).